(914) 967-0000 care@ryekids.com

Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene

Please call with questions or concerns that may arise.

Age One Visits

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and American Dental Association (ADA) recommend children visit a dentist no later than their first birthday. Rye Pediatric Dentistry also endorses the Age One dental visit so that we may establish a “Dental Home” for your child, much like the “Medical Home” model. These early visits are similar to well-care visits made to your pediatrician. Our dental office provides parents/caretakers with information that may be used to keep your child healthy and smiling. It has been documented that the habits and oral health of caregivers play a significant role in children’s dental health, so we even discuss oral health of everyone in the family!

The oral health counseling provided at our office may prevent costly and unnecessary dental procedures in the future for you and your child through our provision of comprehensive dental care.

Initial Exam

New patient visits include an orientation to the office, soft tissue examination, oral pathology/cancer screening, x-rays (if needed), child appropriate cleaning, fluoride treatment , oral hygiene instructions, dental development evaluation, habit (thumbsucking, pacifier, finger) counseling, dietary and nutritional counseling, and patient/parent education.

We encourage parents to be present in the room with their child during the entire initial visit. As every child is unique, we provide instructions specifically tailored for each child. We inform you and your child the best manner to maintain dental health as well as answer any specific questions you may have. Our office places a strong emphasis on prevention through education so that we may identify and eliminate potential areas of concern. By working together, we hope to prevent problems before they occur. All information is provided in an age appropriate manner in order to help nurture and encourage your child to learn to maintain their own oral health.

Our initial exam visit is also a great time for you and your child to get to know the doctors and staff at Rye Pediatric Dentistry!

Recare “Checkup” Appointments

Our recare appointments encompass more than “just a cleaning.” We view each recare appointment as an opportunity to provide you and your child the tools needed to remain cavity free and healthy. Please take a look at the initial exam section above to see the types of services your child will receive at every recare appointment. As your child grows and his/her oral hygiene or dietary habits change, so will the instructions we provide for maintaining your child’s health.


Radiographs assist dentists in diagnosing cavities, especially cavities between teeth that cannot be diagnosed during a visual exam. We call these specific cavities interproximal or “in-betweenies”. These “in-betweenies” often form at the broad contact surfaces of adjacent pediatric teeth due to less than optimal flossing. In addition to diagnosing cavities, radiographs, such as panoramic x-rays, may also be used to evaluate growth , development, diagnose extra or missing teeth, and evaluate potential areas of oral pathology and cancer. An example of a panoramic x-ray is provided below.

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Rye Pediatric Dentistry utilizes digital radiography which uses 80% less radiation than standard, conventional x-rays. Be assured that radiographs will only be taken when clinically indicated for the proper care of your child.