(914) 967-0000 care@ryekids.com


Cosmetic Dentistry

Please call with questions or concerns that may arise.

Tooth Bonding

In the event of tooth fracture, malformed teeth, or tooth discoloration we are able to repair teeth by using a tooth colored material.

Below is a picture of our friend Michael. His mother kindly allowed us to take photos of him before and after treatment. He had three front teeth which we restored. It was great to see how happy Michael and his mom were after restoring the front teeth. There was also a noticeable boost with his level of self-esteem.

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Cosmetic Treatment


Patients often desire brighter, whiter teeth. This especially pertains to teenagers who completed braces treatment or just before important events such as the prom. Rye Pediatric Dentistry offers home whitening kits with custom made trays specifically formulated for younger patients. The doctors at Rye Pediatric Dentistry will discuss with you and your child if they are candidates for such treatment.